Friday, January 31, 2014

sunday morning.

there's something powerful and intimate about spending the morning over coffee discussing where we see the Holy Spirit moving in our babies and how we might come up alongside and support that moving. time to reflect on the desires we want for their lives and moments of "a-ha" when we ponder what GOD desires for them.

our eyes and hearts are ever opening wider to our own thwarting and learning to use those redeeming moments to strengthen our faith, to take council with #1, to pause and take notice and respond with love. 

it was a perfect morning spent in His presence. there is more praying in our home, over our babies, over our meals, and in many silent moments throughout the day. He is blessing us and transforming what dwells inside, and we see it and feel it and praise Him for it. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

ten on ten (january).

daddy left kisses on our cheeks before our brains were awake or the sun thought to rise, and that is how girls weekend started. 

1. there was coffee and cake and chatting the morning away...

2. with our friends Sharon and Lilly Belle. 

3. campo house exclusive; "who's a big girl?"

4. the kitty is always interested in who's eating what, and the baby is always interested in the kitty. 

5. working on an inspiration board. saw this quote up on Sharon's wall, spoke so loudly to me I had to put it up somewhere I'd see it always. 

6. for dada, it's the first day of drill weekend and we already miss him!

7. this baby is hood. 

8. goodbye Christmas. 

9. all we ever want to do these days is stand. 

10. a gift from Sharon. she loves it (meeee too!). she let me read the whole book TWICE without trying to eat it. and she was pointing at all the things she liked. precious! 

because we miss brother too! AND he's a good aim.