Friday, November 30, 2012

ode to husband.

i am floored by how much this man loves me. the lengths he goes to take care of me. and how absolutely blinded he must be when he tells me how beautiful i am with my hair sticking out all ten times of crazy, sans make-up and bundled up in over-sized sweat pants. but there's no denying that glint in his eye even when i'm feeling beat and looking like a fresh train wreck.

*sigh* that man.

he literally saves me on the daily.

pregnancy has not been kind to me. and when the nausea and fatigue came thundering through, he came to my rescue. cooking dinners (yak! chicken!), tackling laundry (every woman's dream), putting me to bed even before henry, keeping the kitchen stocked with foods that don't make me gag and flashing that reassuring smile any time i randomly burst into tears.

i've been suffering from migraines this last week. skull-splitting and relentless pounding pain day in and day out. and he is by far my saving grace - these nasty suckers incapacitate me. my mr mom / nurse of a husband sets me up with a bath, massages my aches for far beyond when his hands tire, and he's at my bedside rotating ice packs for heat packs while i'm desperately trying to catch z's. he's at 6 different stores looking for menthol sticks to rub on my temples. he even gave up his cuddle time to let me toss and turn in a bed to myself.

i thank my lucky stars for the way he so lovingly and faithfully cares for me. growing a baby really takes the umph outta you (i had sooo many mis-conceptions!) and i'm overwhelmed with grateful appreciation for my very best friend and all the thoughtful efforts he makes to keep me comfortable, healthy and happy.

he spoils me, he pampers me, he adores me.

it's really something sweet.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

extra extra thankful.

i'm extra over joyed. my family starts arriving in town today! eep! i've been acting like a weirdo all day - it's the form my excitement takes on, the anticipation makes me kooky.

my mama, my brother, my sissy and my nephew are almost here from utah. and then tomorrow, turkey day, my oldest brother and my niece and nephew (who i haven't seen since they were waist high) fly in from kansas. you know what this means?! i get to have my whole family under one roof, MY ROOF! my brothers, my sister, my (many many sets of) parents, plus all the significant others and offspring in tow. add husband and henry and it's a pretty big deal, as it rarely (if ever) happens. there's upwards of twenty-five of us, equally awesome and nutty, and i'm beaming to host us all at my very first thanksgiving feast.

let the belly rubbing, rough housing, extra hugging, food stuffing, finger pointing, story telling, crazy dysfunctional happiness begin!

extra extra thankful and beyond blessed for my dear family.

'tis the start of a beautiful & grateful holiday season.

Friday, November 16, 2012


me "lately", is not me "always". *noted*

as of late, i've been moody, tired, boarder-line antagonistic, but mostly matter-of-fact. some would say i've grown a back-bone in the midst of those not so positive qualities. actually, some have said it. 

looky here, i'm standing up for... for, things i use to feel pressured to budge on! a rare occasion in the face of a people-pleaser. 

as of late, i care less of how my words may be interpreted and more that they finally just make it out of my mouth. i have a voice! i have an objecting opinion! i, no longer, have a problem sharing it (my huge life-long feat). 

as of late, i'm looking less outwardly, and more at the balance inside my home; the most important balancing act in my bubble of a world. 

as of late, i just don't gave (as much) a damn. there. i said it. mind you, these are things i never should have put much weight into from the get go.

these feelings are new to me. i'm a huge softy! i suspect when this cool exterior has a seat at the foot of a warm winter fire, my "as of late's" will most likely melt and morph into a new "lately" (and possibly another blog?? something with a mushy-gushy feel??).

it's a surge. it's probably also a mixture composed partly with pride (darn you pride). i might look back and say, "wow, that was some soap box i was standing on." i might. or i might finally be seeing straight, with my own two eyes. it's too early to tell.

what i am certain of, is my wear-your-heart-on-your-sleeve self is having a very healthy, over due growth spurt at the ripe age of thirty-one.