Friday, August 23, 2013

back to the grind.

so many of you have been so empathetic to my first week back to work, surprisingly though it hasn't been that bad at all. in fact, it could be much much harder than it has been.

don't get me wrong, i completely fell to pieces before i even made it out the front door on monday. and then again on tuesday, it's instant heartbreak leaving my little. 

but truly i am fortunate to have things fall into place the way they have for my first couple of weeks back. i'm only working a short six hours AND it's only monday, tuesday & thursday (heyyyooo!). and if that wasn't an easy enough schedule to ease back into the working world, joey has also brought our darlin' in each of those days on my lunch break so i can nurse and love on our wee baby child (we both need it!). 

so you see, it could be much much worse, i could be working a standard eight hours everyday + commute time. i could be leaving her with strangers i've only read reviews on at a daycare. i could be missing her and craving her all day long and only getting home in time to feed her and put her to bed. 

it isn't easy leaving her, but it could be much much worst. so i thank my lucky stars, my boss and my husband for babying me. <3

p.s. my boss is loving all the baby visits. 

p.p.s. our little is three months old! 

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