Thursday, August 15, 2013

baby shots.

ugh. i've been dreading this day. i suppose no mom looks forward to those doctor appointments that involve pricking baby thighs and making them squeal. we actually got to postpone it a month, but alas... couldn't avoid this day forever (well, i guess we could, but that's a whole other topic that unleashes an array of opinions).

happy & smiley! 

in all actuality, there was a minimal amount of tears shed today. i completely expected to fall apart myself, but she was such a trooper, and so mama was a trooper too. daddy held her legs, i held her arms and kissed her cheeks... the poke, the instant stillness of her whole self and then the red face and tears. i scooped her up before the doctor even got a chance to put on the bandaids! 

my sweet chubby thirteen pound love bucket and her sore little leggies. did i mention she's a wooping twelve weeks old already?!?!

and to calm her and envelop her in love and safety, we totally monaploized the room and had some comfort-food. (#normalizebreastfeeding) 

she was fast asleep before we even left the office. out of all the anticipated scenarios of this appointment, it went head and shoulders above what i had expected. this mama heart is thankful for that bit. 

the rest of our day went like this: 

chewing her sofie. 
fiddling with her hands (my favorite!). 
bath time (which she LOVES now). 
and here's brother, catching Z's at wal-mart.
P.S. their newest baby cousin was born today too, the beautiful miss ruby (just the sweetest name!), congrats jaye & steve & sofa-loaf!

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