it was saturday, the first (no, wait the second!) day in ohhh, i don't know, we'll say four months? that i actually lifted a weight, got sweaty, felt the burn, worked-it-out.
it's monday and i'm still burning! every step my thighs are full of prickly-pain. lifting my arms over my head? shoot. i almost needed help getting dressed this morning! ya see what i'm saying here? my muscles are sore. to the point that i'm getting funny looks while hobbling down the halls at work. when did i get so weak? my poor pitiful muscles.
welp, that little statement is on it's way out the door!
time to shape it up. thirty is not the age i pictured myself feeling old and frail (and i DO, feel old, feel frail). and if i'm being completely honest dusting off the "fat" jeans + eating my most favorite junk food dish - NACHOS! one to two times a week isn't really doing anything beneficial for my figure or self esteem. nor is spending 6 straight hours in bed watching the vampire diaries, but i'm not exactly ready to toss that one out the window ;). i have a vampire fetish that needs quenching, judge me, i've come to terms with it. closet sci-fi junkie.
fat jeans? i refuse to dust you off!
nachos? maybe not so often.
working out? i don't see it as a choice anymore... i can't. no really! if i do, i can sooo very easily talk myself into a nacho-couch-vampire-fat jeans kinda day.
plus! i have this hot husband spotting me on the weight bench. how's that for motivation? *rawr*
so, here's to 20 minutes a day (i'm a slow starter), spent doing a little something special for my bod.
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