Friday, November 11, 2011

i'm sexy and i know it.

i don't know why, but every morning after my not-so-grueling-twenty-minute-shred-sesh i find myself tuning in to some morning hip-hop.

particularly this song:

(*disclaimer* don't watch if speedos make you squeamish)

LMFAO Sexy and I Know It <-- silly blog bugs. click me!

and let's be honest. hip-hop? totally and not really my scene. yet here i am, seat-belt dancing in rush hour traffic and lipping; "ahh, girl look at that body. girl look at that body. girl look at that body. i work out."

and you know what? it's outta my "bean-pushing-double-checking-numbers-are-my-friends" box.

and it feels gooooood.


that is all.


  1. I karaoked this song on Tuesday with my kickball team....<3 it lol

  2. i can only hope you "wiggled" it ;) miss you friend!
