i was so completely down for the count last friday, horrible horrible pain. my back went out (dr says a mild bulging disc! UGH) and i couldn't walk, sit or even hold my baby. i know i wanted a teeny break for mother's day, a little extra sleep and free hands to do 'me' stuff; like painting my toes or plucking my unruly brows, but this was more than i bargained for. i got a 5 day break and so many naps and spent too much time telling my baby i couldn't pick her up as she cried at my my feet (heartbreak city for both of us). add the fog of codeine, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories and steroids, and it still has me spacy. it sucked, for lack of a better word, and it still sucks a week and a half later.
anyway, saturday is when we celebrate mother's day, what a perfect 10 on 10 opportunity! but i was hurting and out of it that i really only mostly recall audrey's first boo-boo (she's a climber), and only snapped a handful of moments before i snuggled up on jaye's couch and waited for someone to serve me dessert. smores pie, mmm marshmallows.
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