Friday, December 28, 2012

new year. new list.

all things are new in the new year! okay, not really, but it's always a perfect place to start anew. with two-thousand-thirteen just days away, i thought it best to knock out my lists, or rather my do's and re-do's.

i'll call these "goals", because this particular list isn't a traditional list of "resolutions" (but that list is to follow!).
  1. learning lullabies on our piano. it really is my number one. baby is 19 weeks yesterday and can hear my voice and the sounds around us. and i can't think of anything more endearing than her mommy and daddy and big brother playing her tunes, right now and when she's here - lulling her into slumber.   
  2. sew more. i'm starting to get the hang of it. i've branched out from more than just throw pillows! plus there are so many many ideas to steal off pinerest & etsy to 1) spruce up the house 2) make for baby 3) make as gifies 4) fix up that favorite hole-y shirt or pair of pants 5) alterations - additions to old clothes to fancy them up. the sky is the limit really and this past holiday has revived my sewing inspirations. 
  3. family vacation. i think next christmas, instead of spending our funds on presents under the tree we should save to spring for a family vacation, maybe a winter wonderland? memories to keep in our hearts forever, instead of toys that end up in next years garage sale.
  4. king me. we use to fit into henry's twin at story time. it was a bit of a squish, but we managed. now we do bed time stories in our bed. it isn't much of an improvement as it's only a full, but at least we fit (barely). and now that our family is growing (as am i), we will save left and right, nickle and dime to get ourselves that dream king bed. it may sound silly, but i already have the bedding for it, that's how much i will it so. then the four of us can snuggle comfortably: story time and bed picnics and no worry of mush-pot middle and falling into our soup bowl of a mattress. 
and now for the resolutions, my re-do's. 
  1. pray. "have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it?" boy does that simple question bring great conviction. there are a couple areas in my life that could use less gossip and more prayer. but not only that, it's my alone time with God, it's where i feel His presence, where i am constantly re-discovering His peace, where my pride is humbled and my heart is softened. pray, more. 
  2. be a better spender. nuff said - you all know the drill. i have a plan. husband is on board. plus, we can save without feeling like we always go without. the perfect balance. and i'm determined we find it!
  3. cook more. i tend to stick to my list of favorites, my list of perfected meals. i should branch out more. i'm not saying i need to get all fancy in the kitchen, but i can certainly stand to branch out of my chicken & rice and spaghetti nights. plus, santa brought me an awesome new cook book. so really, i have no excuses! 
  4. explore. now, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being a home-body. i quite enjoy it. until i've had too much. until all i do is melt into the sofa. there are times to give my home-body a break and stretch my legs. more hikes, more walks, more exploring our back-yard - there are so many things to go and do and see right here in our neighboring towns. time to get off the tush and get out in the world. time to explore more, time for more family adventures. 
  5. exercise. that's right, it'll never leave the resolution list. it will pop up year after year after year. lucky for me i get to slide a bit. but 15 minutes a day i will dedicate to strengthening my muscles. this baby weight is already got me struggling and i'm only almost half way there. time to do some squats, walk some laps around the building at lunch time, time to dust off that shake weight. 
  6. time. making better use of it. my closest friends and family are scattered. like some 50-75 miles away scattered. and i am determined to make more of an effort to travel to them. and if i can't make it that far, then i will face time them - tis' the time of technology and smart phones. bottom line is, we're gonna see each other more, i'll make sure of it. 
these are ALL tangible. the only thing they require is effort and discipline. which, okay, is sorta a big feat for my lazy tenancies. so i guess i have my work cut out for me. but the rewards to be reaped are more than worth it. 

2013 will be full of new chapters and new experiences. lot's of "new" in our family and we are so very excited and blessed to take you along on our journey of new. 

it's that time of year
when the world falls in love
every song you hear seems to say 
merry christmas
may your new year dreams come true

and this song of mine
in three quarter time
wishes you and yours 
the same thing, too

1 comment:

  1. Cooking! Yes! Maybe we can have a dinner night! I love to cook and I miss you both terribly!

    I love your full of inspiration.
