six whole years today. that's right, henry is 6! time sure does fly by so very fast.
birthdays are special days for me, they provoke reflection...

henry came into my life when he was just a wee little guy. look at the face! oh my goodness! *squishybabyface* he was just one & a half, and he stole my heart instantly. for the last four & a half years (best best years of my life) he's changed my world, shaped my world, and become my world. everyday growing my heart.
every. single. day.
i can't even begin to put into words the thankfulness inside me or express the absolute blessing it is to be his stepmama. but i am thankful, grateful, and happily blessed to know and love and nurture and help raise this little man. he is growing up right under my nose into a handsome, sweet, caring, witty boy. he is forever a part of me.

that's what love does. it grows and merges and blooms into family.
i love & adore my family. to the moon and back and farther still... to forever.
happiest birthday wishes to our pumpkin! missy & daddy love & cherish everyday of your two thousand one hundred ninety days on this earth and look forward to every day to come.
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