Monday, October 31, 2011

oh boy oh boy, are my boys... BOYS!

i am seriously out numbered by my boys. deprived of all things girly and subjected to all things boy, which includes, but not limited to:
  • farts.
  • burps.
  • tron battles.
  • sumo wrestling.
  • name calling; fart-face, fart-brain, fart-butt, fart-head... you get the picture.
  • hot wheels.
  • bare-butt wagging.
  • etc.

"boy" love, though, is quite the treat to receive. my boys made me this card sunday morning, and were so so so excited to give it to me. like wayyyy too excited. and this missy-miss knows when her boys are up to something...

totally sweet right?!

that's what i thought too. *heart melts*

"open it! open it!"

yep. that's my boys for ya <3.

they were soo tickled with their "sweet" card. so tickled. we all laughed till our bellies hurt, and then declared it fridge art.

boy love. it's amazing. i wouldn't trade it for anything. in the whole wide world.

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