Thursday, January 29, 2015


you know what's easiest for me? getting stuck in mom-mode. ie. cooking, cleaning, homework, baths, schedules, basically anything that is structured. and that is why i continually take my hat off to my husband (my literal yin), who challenges my imagination and pretend play, daily. 

like, it takes real effort to put down my to-do list and pick up a baby doll or legos for longer than 5 minutes. i don't know why... i'm sort of ashamed that i can be so uptight. but it's always completely humbling when i can watch the messes from play time build up around me and my anxiety level doesn't increase with it. when, instead of seeing a disaster in my living room, i see my happy kids babbling endlessly and hanging all over mom. it's so incredibly hard to keep up with chores, but harder (for me, anyway) to sit in the middle of chaos and enjoy myself. tell me i'm not the only one who struggles to be present! *tick-tock-tick-tock* mommy's got a million things to do!

that's where my husband comes in, he is so naturally good at it, i try not to get jealous of how easily he entertains our kids, instead i'm thankful of the role model he is to me when it comes to engaging them. he is my constant reminder of the wonder and horse play our babies THRIVE on. i strive for that, i crave that, and i work SO hard at slowing down so that i can join them in that. 

maybe while i'm chasing the baby back and forth across the house, i'm also picking up socks and sippy cups and last weeks half eaten apple (how does that happen?!) and depositing them in their rightful places as we squeal and make big eyes and continue on with our marathon. but, it's still progress! i would actually call it a win-win. i mean, play time, clean up, and exercise all wrapped up in one! my inner multi-tasker is beaming. 

my mantra: play! play more. play even when i think it's boring. play with every moment of down time that i think "hey, what's new on facebook?" play, because my kids need my attention, and could care less about if that rotting apple ever makes it to the trash. play because i need it too. 

besides... my house is NEVER clean anyway.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

ten on ten (january 2015).

get ready for a slew of audrey pictures (mama can't help it). this is what our tenth looked like.

1. morning tickle/wrestle/snuggle routine.

2. COFFEE. husband's unconventional take on a "to go" coffee mug. handmade from clay, i love.

3. we love co-bathing! but when mom's got more to do than just play & wash the baby, we co-shower (holla for the double shower head wedding present! still reaping the benefits).

4. spent a little time re-chalking. 

5. feeding kitty is her favorite. she loves her keety. 

6. rainy day? rain coat! (little pink foxes)

7. the men folk are working the weekend, so the gals are having a slumber party! 

8. ring-around-the-rosey. 

9. snuggle bed. 

10. late night shows in nen-nenies lap.

it was audrey's first sleep-over, and those sweet girls had so many laughs and hugs and squeals (there was also, of course, pushing and yelling and fits). pizza and wine, and movies, and jammies, and babies, it was perfect. we had so much fun, i can't wait for the next one!

swell tenth january, thanks for new adventures.