one, she gives the sweetest google-eyes, where she just lights up from the inside out and beams love and joy. she almost only ever does this for her mommy, her daddy and especially her big brother. gah, does she goes goo-goo for him and twinkles her big baby blues anytime he's around.
two, she's my bungee baby: my velcro baby: my "gotta be in mama's arms" baby. she'll only go so far out of my reach before she bungees back to me. sometimes, sure, maybe it's stranger danger. but when it's just us two and she's right in front of my face, but not in my arms... well folks, i have a clinger. and i'm learning very quickly how to do almost every one-handed (left-handed to boot!).
three, on daddy days it's overly apparent that just as much as she's a mama's girl, she's equally a daddy's girl. i can't even do justice trying to put into word the way she looks at him (and vice-versa), or how ridiculously adorable they play together, and how bright her smile is when her dada "is getting her". he is the expert at funny faces, mustache kisses, baby tickles and coaxing out those belly giggles.
four, she's hitting milestones like a champ. at four months on the dot, she rolled. at first i thought it was a fluke seeing as how it was the middle of the night and she did it in her sleep. but nope, within two days she was a professional roller - even showed off for the dr at her appointment (in the midst of a diaper change, no less). and then at five months on the dot she started sitting up on her own, and popped out a tooth, and is now eating (gobbling) rice cereal. it's all happening so fast! and watching her grow and learn at this rapid pace, well, i'm not wishing any of it away. no sir-ee, not even on most challenging of days.
five, she wakes up every morning a chatty-cathy. it is the epitome of sweet. like waking up to a double chocolate, extra sprinkles, cherry on top cupcake - that kinda sweet. few get to witness how charming this time of day is. she's at her most talkative and she'll go on and on and smile and pet your face and make you not at all regretful that the sun has yet to rise (side note: i'm so thankful for the extra hours at work that started this week, but it's seriously heavy losing out on our morning banter. SERIOUSLY!).
six, we cuddle. we co-sleep and she nurses wherever the heck she wants to (i'm committing all the "no-no's" of every baby book in print!). as much as it would be nice to stretch and roll and catch all my Z's and have a baby that sleeps through the night, i know that time will eventually come, and that's why i'm okay waking up sore and tired. truth be told i'd miss her if she was in her crib - which is currently being used as her toy box. so i'm holding out and soaking up these precious months of family bed, of waking up to her sun-shiny face, and having cuddles in abundance.
seven, she has great comedic timing. i swear she fits right in. farting and/or laughing a the most opportunistic moments. it's never a dull moment between the babes, brother and daddy. and it's always so very transparent that farting is a staple in our house, i accepted this a long time ago.
eight, peek-a-boo. she can be mid-cry, but if you bust out a "peek-a-boo", 95% of the time she'll stop in the middle of tears and beam you a gummy smile. the phrase "peek-a-boo the baby" has been coined in our home. cause when you just need those few extra minutes to finish that one thing that you can't do with her in your arms, peek-a-boo will buy you that time. plus, it's really funny to recognize when she thoroughly enjoys something. because she's picky. you will not get the same response from "itsy-bitsy-spider". and lemme tell ya, i do an awesome itsy-bitsy.
nine, she loves to hear me sing. i'm positive that she is the ONLY one on the planet that wants to hear my tone def renditions of baby lullabies, but i belt it out proudly anyhow, all others in the vicinity are forced to grin and bare it.
ten, she really is a ray of sunshine. no matter what hardships we face, there's nothing a little prayer and some baby hugs can't fix. she brings me a joy i've never known and for every "i love you" i whisper in her ear, i send a "thank you" up to the heavens for blessing us so.