hello third trimester! and hello freak-out time! just a mere 12 weeks to go before our little girl is here.
finally starting to really enjoy pregnancy. my first trimester i was a sick tired mess and my second trimester came with all the insecurities of my changing body.
but here lately everything has shifted. my body, though still growing rapidly, is beautiful. i can look in the mirror now and enjoy what i see and take pride in what's being created inside me ♥.
ohhh and inside! everything feels different, her pokes and jabs aren't as subtle as they use to be, i can feel so much more of everything she's doing in there. she does this flutter when she repositions herself - i call it the baby earthquake, i can literally see my stomach gyrating. to feel her... it's something i can try a hundred different ways to put into words, but will never succeed. so i just smile my secret smile, knowing those punches are only for me :).
the nesting is my favorite. and whether i want it to be or not, it's high on my priority list. organizing and cleaning and planning. i even bring it to work! i can't remember the last time my office was in such tip-top shape. where does all this energy come from?? and
please let it last
forever hahaha.
sleeping is a whole other ball game. a couple consecutive hours and that's it. toss, turn, pee, sip water, glare at peaceful sleeping husband - repeat. i guess i should get use to it.
and the belly rubs are now non-stop and i don't mind one bit. i do it all day long myself, so much so my shirts are starting to get those fabric balls - i'm wearing them out with all my rubbing! early in the morning and late at night joey gets to feel her wiggle and thump about. and every night at story time henry's got his hand on my belly trying to feel for his stubborn sister. i swear the second we say good night and i lay down with my book she pops right up! she's already teasing him ;)
and to hear my husband speak of her, ah! i melt a thousand times! just this week he found a baby mitten in the wash and he says to me: i'm going to be holding the tiny little hands these go on. i die! he told the dr. that there's no point in fighting it, she's already wrapped around his finger. he's an amazing daddy to our little man, and to think about him with our little baby girl, i just fall in love a million times over. i'm so lucky to parent along side such a sweet handsome man.
in no time at all, she'll be here! time to start washing her clothes, and packing a hospital bag, and touring the labor wing. *eep*
p.s. i
still can't believe we're having a baby. 6 straight months of shock have yet to wear off :P